It has been a busy day at General Assembly. Commissioners are very, very tired and have a lot of work tomorrow.
The General Assembly voted not to redefine marriage. The Book of Order currently defines marriage as "between a man and woman." The proposed change would have defined marriage as "between two people." The vote probably doesn't surprise many, but the closeness of the vote was unexpected: 348 to 324.
However, the General Assembly did vote to approve an overture that would amend a clause in the Book of Order requiring ordained pastors, elders and deacons to practice "fidelity in marriage and chastity in singleness." (G-6.0106b). This wording was added in the 1990s and has been a frequent point of debate and discussion. It opens the door for the ordination of gays and lesbians, who are already fully welcomed into membership of our church. The amendment will now go back to presbyteries, where a majority of the 173 presbyteries must approve it for the change to make it into the Book of Order.
In other business...
The Assembly voted NOT dissolve synods.
Addressing Arizona's immigration laws, the Assembly voted not to have national meetings in a state where immigrants may be harrassed. As the next General Assembly will be in Pennsylvania, which has laws similar to Arizona, the issue for the next meeting will need to be reviewed.
Assembly approved efforts to shorten the length of time required in calling a pastor, and adopted a paper "Neither Poverty or Riches," which deals with compensation issues for church workers.
Thank you for your faith, time, and commitment to General Assembly. A friend and colleague of mine, Mindy Adams was a delegate and thrilled at some things and disappointed in others. Peace, brother, and see you soon. We need to gather when you return. Ed Bellis