Friday, July 9, 2010

A Few Recent Decisions at General Assembly

The General Assembly voted to call on the US government to end direct combat operations in Afghanistan. This is the first time the denomination has taken such a stand during this war, which has continued since 2001.

The Assembly voted by 80% to approve a call to end US Aid to Israel unless that country stops settlement expansions in disputed Palestinian territories.

The GA voted to urge the Boad of Pensions (which provides both pensions and medical benefits to church employees) to extend spousal benefits to those in same-sex and domestic relationships. Some felt this would validate same sex relationships, others felt it was a matter of providing equal benefits without discrimination. There will be a cost to this, requiring churches to increase the Board of Pensions dues by an additional 1%. Congregations will be able to opt out due to conscience, in the same way that congregations can currently opt out of abortion related benefits.

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